Podcast episode Featured #008 - Secured by Math, Designed for People with Pilar García of 1Password Pilar García explains how @1Password is built around privacy by design, cryptography, usability, and openness. Also, learn how to make $100k for reading some bad poetry. The catch? Gotta break into a 1Password Vault first!
Podcast episode #002 - Your Phone is a Phishing Resistant Security Key with Alex Grinman of Kryptco Alex Grinman explains how Krypton, their open source browser extension and mobile app, can turn the phone sitting in your pocket into a phishing resistant two factor authentication (2FA) security key.
Zapier Featured Zapier: Long emoji passwords and how to avoid credential stuffing attacks Zapier password policies allow users to create ridiculously strong passwords, but need some updates to reject weak and previously compromised passwords.
Zapier Screencast Episode 1: Zapier March 2018 is Zapier month! Conor and Ray discuss passwords, hatch a plan to increase two factor authentication (2FA) adoption rates, and propose changes to the Zapier team plan.