Zapier Zapier docs: plain-english, useful content, and helpful visual cues Often an after thought, docs are a critical part of the security UX. Zapier has paid particular attention to creating useful docs and it really shows!
Zapier Featured Zapier: Long emoji passwords and how to avoid credential stuffing attacks Zapier password policies allow users to create ridiculously strong passwords, but need some updates to reject weak and previously compromised passwords.
Zapier How Zapier rolled out 2FA support Two factor authentication (2FA) doesn't provide effective security if users don't enable it. Learn how Zapier announced the rollout of 2FA to its users!
Zapier The Big Idea for Zapier: Contextual 2FA Promotion March 2018 is Zapier month! Our Big Idea for Zapier is contextual 2FA promotion: an even better way to encourage users to enable two factor authentication!
Zapier Zapier: 2FA Deep Dive March 2018 is Zapier month! We dive deep into the security and user experience of Zapier's TOTP two factor authentication (2FA) implementation: what works and what could be improved?
Zapier Screencast Episode 1: Zapier March 2018 is Zapier month! Conor and Ray discuss passwords, hatch a plan to increase two factor authentication (2FA) adoption rates, and propose changes to the Zapier team plan.